Mondays | 6:30 p.m. | C128

Have you experienced infertility, miscarriage loss or childlessness? We want to personally invite you to join our group to connect with other women who are also experiencing these same things. We were never meant to do life alone, so please consider joining us as we explore testimonies of women right here in our community, who have faced challenges with infertility, miscarriage, and childlessness.

We will meet Monday nights at 6:30 to hear stories of women who have faced some very difficult challenges. We will explore what their faith looked like and how they persevered when trials arose. We will have time for Q&A’s, prayer, laughter, connection, and togetherness in this unwanted sisterhood of hope.

If you have questions or would like to connect, please contact Sarah Stoltzfus at sarah.stotzfus@cottonwoodcreek.org, or Ruthie Cody at ruthie.cody@cottonwoodcreek.org. (512-745-2131).

Meet Our Leader, Ruthie.

Ruthie is originally from Miami Beach, FL but grew up traveling the world. She moved in next door to her now husband in Vegas and they have 3 little girls. Her journey to becoming a mom was difficult and they were told early on that without medical intervention they would not be able to conceive naturally.

By the in the grace to God they were able to get pregnant six times. Unfortunately, three of those babies never made it home with them. Ruthie endured a life-threatening ectopic and two very devastating miscarriages. She realized that during these dark and lonely days that she wanted to bring hope to other women experiencing similar challenges. She believes that there is no timeline for grief. Whether someone experienced a loss or is feeling hopeless in the waiting period she believes God wants to be our greatest comfort. She is convinced that the world wants us to rush through our sadness and tears because often holding space for healing can make others uncomfortable, BUT GOD wants to restore our hearts to proper alignment with Him so that he can be our greatest source of hope!

Ruthie started leading her first Twelve 12 group in Allen, Texas last year and describes this opportunity as one of her greatest honors to serve the Lord. Being able to see beauty for ashes and come alongside other women is a priceless experience. Ruthie described the group as an unwanted, sisterhood of women with the upmost faith, deepest desires, and willingness to trust the Lord. She said” we laugh, we cry, we exchange stories of hopelessness and brokenness along with grit and perseverance.” She has found that no matter where someone is on this journey God always finds a way to meet with each of us personally. This experience magnifies the greatness of His omnipresence and how intimate our relationships can be with Him. Ruthie is looking forward to this next season and all the Lord has in store. The door is always open, and she is praying that no one must suffer silently in our community and that everyone always feels welcome, loved, and encouraged along the way.